Full disclosure: Some of these shiurim are slightly more than 10 minutes!

Davening is never easy. But besides struggling to concentrate - it is hard to know what we are saying! Many of us find the Hebrew hard to understand - and many of us find the English even harder to understand!

These shiurim, based the upcoming Teen Weekday Siddur (Mosaica Press, אי"ה Fall 2020), go through many parts of the davening and explain the basic meaning of the words in a way which makes the siddur readable, meaningful and thus helps facilitate a real conversation with Hashem.

These shiurim do not deal with the many complex and sticky questions about the tefillos and about our day-to-day relationship with Hashem. Those questions ARE important - especially since for many of us those questions get stuck in our brain and impede our ability to talk to Hashem honestly and openly. Those questions are dealt with in depth in the Teen Weekday Siddur, as well as in the course on this website Tefilah: Easier Done Than Said.

Siddur Sense In 10 Minutes!

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  Pesukei D'zimrah
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  13 Midos HaRachamim יג מדות הרחמים
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